About Us

Our Mission

A community to support and care for those who have been impacted by loss or trauma in the mountains.

Our Goal

Creating and fostering a healing community and global network that understand mountain trauma.

Our Offerings

Chapters Hosting Monthly Circles

Mountain Muskox currently has chapters in the Bow Valley, the Sea to Sky (Squamish) and Golden, BC. Chapters host professionally facilitated circles on the third Wednesday of each month and are open to anyone who has been impacted by a trauma or loss in the mountains. Learn more about circles.

Muskox Immersion Weekend

Our 2024 Immersion is September 21 & 22 in the Bow Valley. It’s focused on connection, making sense of our experiences and growing into next steps as individuals and as a community. The weekend is open to a broader audience. Learn more about the 2024 Immersion Weekend.


“I’m extremely fortunate to have been welcomed into the Mountain Muskox. Mountain tragedy has rocked my  world in so many ways, and it’s been invaluable to be welcomed into a group of warm and caring people who  support me and understand my circumstances. For me Mountain Muskox is all about community, support, and  understanding of ourselves and others through shared human experience. When I am ready and able, I look  forward to being able to pass on this gift of support and love to others who share these tragic experiences.”

— Kevin

“I'm back in the mountains and feeling really good about it. The self-doubt and conflicted emotions are much easier to deal with now and I think the Muskox program is a major reason why. I can't thank you all enough. Even after a week in the backcountry I'm feeling balanced, regulated and I'm enjoying it. Thank you all!"

— Kevin H.

“The Mountain Muskox Mentorship has taught me how to help, and be helped. Our meetings have  graced me with much of the best that humans are capable of and I've looked forward to each and every  time we've gotten together with excitement and anticipation.”

— Barry

“The Muskox showed me the power of community in the healing process. My involvement with the group became about more than just myself. I'm extremely grateful to have been a part of things and excited to see what the future holds! Looking forward to the next meeting!”

— Oakley

I found immeasurable comfort in sharing with people who have felt similar depths of lows in dealing with loss. I now know that surviving trauma provides a toolkit that enables one to become a sounding board, a safe space from which others can springboard into a kinder, gentler place of acceptance and understanding. Mountain Muskox is making great strides in creating a model that effectively fills the void between initial one-on-one counseling and thriving as a human!”

— Aline

Mountain Muskox provides a supportive and understanding community of amazing humans who have experienced first hand “the dark side of the mountains”…. Grief, trauma, and loss brought us together. Strength, compassion, understanding, and love is what keeps us together. There is nothing more healing than the sharing of experiences with those who truly understand… We find strength together and hold each other up as we navigate our new normal.“

— Sandy

Thank you for being here.

Get to know the team behind the scenes: